
Good bye! This year, China will phase out 7,335 million kilowatts of backward coal-fired power plants

The National Energy Administration recently issued a circular setting the 2020 target for the coal and power industry to close down backward production capacity, making it clear that the coal and power industry will cut its capacity by 7.335 million kw this year
The National Energy Administration recently issued a circular setting the 2020 target for the coal and power industry to close down backward production capacity, making it clear that the coal and power industry will cut its capacity by 7.335 million kw this year
The notice points out that, among the units to be eliminated, those that have not been completed and have no operating records after January 1, 2015, will not be included in the target task of eliminating backward production capacity in the coal power industry. Goals and tasks listed in this year's coal industry is backward production capacity of coal unit, in addition to the clear as coal emergency standby power supply unit, must be completed before the end of December 2020 demolition, the demolition of coal boiler steam turbine generator at least pier cooling tower of chimney two fail to eliminate shut down standard demolition unit, shall not enjoy the relevant supporting policies In addition, we will further improve the inspection and acceptance procedures together with the relevant departments and provincial power grid companies, review of relevant enterprises shut down backward coal unit image data and relevant evidentiary materials, timely check acceptance, issue a written acceptance, and in the portal website of the people's government at the provincial level and the local mainstream media announcements in the region has completed the task of backward production capacity list for not into national annual corporate goals and tasks close down backward production facilities, has been suspended for many years in the short term, does not have the zombie coal unit to resume production conditions, all to be combined with the actual situation, to promote enterprise complete elimination closure work as soon as possible