
In the next 5 years, there will be 7 directions in the breeding industry, and electric heating + platform will be the key

Electric heat sink: breeding + electric heat + platform
Electric heat transfer is introduced: today farming + electric + platform as the development and progress of science and technology, breeding has been changed, previously, in rural areas is almost every family has a pig, even ordinary, or is the home of the poor will be pig inside, regardless of pork prices rose and fell, the home have a two pigs are not at a loss, but why rural farmers friend but not a pig! Why did not make money before still have somebody to raise, made money now instead no one to raise! Now many people start their own businesses, and they will consider aquaculture, especially college students who return after finishing their studies. It can be said that aquaculture is a sunrise industry, which is waiting for a large number of talents to flood in. In the next 5-10 years, the aquaculture industry will undergo earth-shaking changes, and its development prospect is optimistic。

1、Large-scale development is the mainstream, the free - range farmers slowly quit
Recently online cage-free and mass breeding has a great deal of attention, a lot of people in the said free-range households to exit the breeding, scale and collectivized farms will occupy the mainstream but don't be afraid, free-range households are now gradually upgrade to upgrade, some breeding concept, high technology level, development is more and more big, form scale, battered by for this year's outbreak, accelerate the industrialization of pig industry。

2、The company adds raises the household model
Now there are free-range chickens for raising chickens, contracted pigs for raising pigs, and the rapid expansion of the group pig farm needs to take farmers, including many electric heating and constant temperature heating and other group companies will also provide a lot of heating products, and cooperate with related industrial chains。

Of food safety and impedance ban people pursue health development and knowledge
more and more resistant to high product quality requirements also more and more countries for meat, milk and eggs indicator of the limit of anti resistance etc. It is imperative to ban the factory eggs are not allowed to have antibiotic residues after July 2020, pig feed ban on using antibiotics, at the same time, feed only allows Chinese medicine additive in class

4、Mechanization of electric equipment and components in comparison to the domestic aquaculture
Europe and the United States of agriculture and animal husbandry industry and breeding industry modernization degree is higher in the United States a person can manage 3000 pigs in China, modern breeding methods of heating fuel hot air blower, fuel hot air blower is to heat the air, in all kinds of heating means, air heating is more comfortable, and fuel hot air blower as one kind of emerging industry air heating means other including nano cainuanlu, thermostatic system can give the pig farms to provide accurate and comfortable environment

5、With the development of domestic tourism,
more and more urban people want to experience the life in the countryside. Farmhouse and fishing are becoming better and better in the new era of rural areas. Modern family ranch and tourism are combined, with a rich and colorful development direction

The 21st century is the century of the Internet, and any industry can combine with the Internet. The development of e-commerce and express delivery industry has driven the progress of other industries, including the aquaculture industry. If there are many platforms for the breeding of electric heating products, you can also find some electric heating platforms for your purchase

7、Industrial convergence interests chain extension want to increase the product value, extend the industrial chain is one way to put a simple farming to recycle to slaughter to food, originally a breeding, into multiple relay returns, let more people involved, common benefit other including breeding rabbits breeding pheasant breeding turtle breeding meat donkey breeding pig, black is more promising, in the Internet age, everyone can become a boss, combined with the national policy, combined with Internet + platform combined with some one-stop industrial electric equipment platform, believe that the farming people will do better