
Main uses of air duct electric heater

Main uses of air duct heater:

According to the analysis on the development prospect and transformation and upgrading analysis report of China's electric heater industry from 2013 to 2017, the main uses of electric heater are as follows:

1、 Heat treatment: local or whole quenching, annealing, tempering and diathermy of various metals;

2、 Hot forming: whole piece forging, local forging, hot heading and hot rolling;

3、 Welding: brazing of various metal products, welding of various cutting tools, saw blade sawtooth, steel pipe and copper pipe, welding of the same and different metals;

4、 Metal smelting: vacuum melting, casting and evaporation coating of gold, silver, copper, iron, aluminum and other metals;

5、 Other applications of high frequency heater: semiconductor single crystal growth, thermal matching, bottle mouth heat sealing, toothpaste skin heat sealing, powder coating, metal implanted plastic.